DAY 58 - LUBIÁN to O PEREIRO - Wednesday 19 June 2024

We left early to beat the forecast storms, rain gear on as protection from the elements. Cows stopped to stare as we passed by. We found plenty to photograph, including a fountain, the Santuario de la Tuiza and our shadows with amazingly long legs. 

The path soon turned to puddles, but stone slabs made negotiating them easier. We crossed a wooden bridge and followed a path in the grass for a few metres until it petered out. Consulting the gps, we retraced our steps and headed up what we had assumed was a dry riverbed. It soon became a dirt track again and we headed up through green forest, backlit with the sun streaming through the leaves. Later we had views towards the summit and back the way we had come. 

Eventually we arrived at Portela da Canda, our entrance to Galicia. We found our first statue by the Ourense-born sculptor, Nicanor Carballo. We're looking forward to finding more of these. 

We continued downhill, admiring the Galician path - it was wide, grassy and well-drained! We joined a local road for a short while before turning onto another pretty track through forest.  

We stopped at A Vilavella for a coffee before continuing downhill on a stone slab path then through fields. One of us photographed cows while the other photographed dragonflies - we both photographed the drinking fountain with the scallop-shaped basin. Puddles were readily negotiated with little bridges. At the Capela da Nosa Señora de Loreto we came across a pilgrim trying to dry his gear before the next rain shower. 

We passed through O Pereiro and turned off the Camino to find our accommodation for the night. Its restaurant is also a truck stop, so we celebrated the end of our short walking day with another excellent menú del día. 

Entering Galicia - the fourth and last of Spain's autonomous regions that we'll be walking through this trip
Leaving Lubian this morning
On the Camino to the Tuiza sanctuary 
Fun with shadows
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés 
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés
 The Portela da Canda - entering Galicia on the Camino Sanabrés
A luxurious Galician section of the Camino Sanabrés - downhill through A Canda
On towards A Vilavella
On towards A Vilavella 
Into A Vilavella . . . 
. . . and into the bar
A Vilavella
A pleasant path on from A Vilavella
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés
Onward on the Camino Sanabrés
O Pereira, the end of today's walk
Day 58 - Map

Day:                               58
Distance:                      17.49 km
Walking time:              3 hrs 48 mins
Elevation gain:            547 meters
Cumulative distance: 1,140.86 km


  1. If only those long shadow legs worked for getting you across puddles dry. Some excellent Okhotsk skills at play I see. Dragonflies are so much harder to catch then cows and all pics are awesome. Such a beautiful place you are in.

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers29 June 2024 at 14:46

      We haven't fallen in - yet - so our legs seem to be long enough. Dragonflies might be harder to catch than cows, but cows have much cuter faces!


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