We travelled light today, leaving our big backpacks in our hotel room where we were spending a second night. Nevertheless, we were overtaken towards the top of the initial steep ascent by a young man with long legs and big strides. 

After the climb, we walked mostly along a ridge, firstly through a hamlet and then through forest and some pasture. We shared the path with the Camino Natural for part of the way. We took a short detour off the path to Pena Furada, where we had magnificent views up and down the coast. 

We continued on to 'the most beautiful bench in the world', according to a Google Maps pin which warned we might have to take turns to sit on it. It certainly had stunning views and some people took a very long turn but ended up being happy to share. There were quite a lot of people here because there was a car park and even an open chiringuito. At the chiringuito we did see someone with a big backpack and a scallop shell but we didn't stop to chat - we were keen to get to our own end point. 

We descended through forest and then on a boardwalk through a marshy area. We were hoping to see birds here but with no luck. 

After a glimpse at the beach, we took the road to O Barqueiro, passing a little chapel on the way which was surprisingly open. We continued down to the Port, where we had a reviving drink in the bar and a tapas of bread and cheese. 

Excited for the final push, we headed out on the only road to Bares. We stopped at the Bar de Bares - with a name like that, we had to - and had another drink and some olives. Rain was forecast so we didn't want to linger too long. The terrace could perhaps have taken more advantage of the view, but maybe the people of Bares are sick of it.

We continued on to another scenic bench, marvelling at some people who had scrambled down to the ocean way below. We passed another car park and the lighthouse before taking a dirt track to the most northern point of Spain. 

And we were done - 11 weeks and 1590 kilometres after setting off from Tarifa we had walked from the most southern point in Spain to the most northern! We ate our last muesli bars that had accompanied us from Australia and survived in our packs all this time in case of emergency. Then we headed down the hill in search of a taxi and a good meal...

We would like to thank all those who have been following this blog - family, friends, and those who have joined us on the way. We have had a fantastic journey and have enjoyed sharing it with you. A special thanks to Murray, for his help in identifying the birds we spotted on the way, and to the wonderful staff and volunteers at Uncle Peter's Books. 

A selfie to mark the end of another long walk
Setting out from O Porto de Espasante under cloudy skies
Continuing our way north
We enjoyed wonderful coastal views for much of today's walk 
Views from Pena Furada 
More stunning coastal views
Yet more stunning coastal views
Cabo de Estaca de Bares - Spain's most northerly point and the end point of our trip. Still a few kilometres of walking to get there. 
Sharing the Most Beautiful Bench in the World
The Most Beautiful Bench in the World
Selfie at the Most Beautiful Bench in the World
More coastal views
Heading inland on the CamiΓ±o Natural
Along boardwalks to Esteiro Beach 
Up to O Barqueiro, and down to Porto de Barqueiro on the coast
The picturesque village of Porto de Barqueiro
Fixtures in the bar at Porto de Barqueiro
Road-walking from Porto de Barqueiro to Vila de Bares
Vila de Bares, home to the northernmost horreo in Spain
The Bar de Bares in Vila de Bares
Just over 2 kilometres from Vila de Bares to the northernmost point
Past the lighthouse - getting close now
Just a short stretch of path-walking and scrambling to go
And there it is - the northernmost point in Spain, the Cabo de Estaca de Bares
The northernmost point in Spain.  End point of our walk across the country. 
Finally eating our Australian muesli bars, which made the whole journey with us as emergency rations
Some interesting points from today's walk
Day 77 - Map
Day 77 - Map

Day:                               77
Distance:                      21.37 km
Walking time:              4 hrs 10 mins
Elevation gain:            556 metres
Cumulative distance: 1,590.77 km


  1. Forgot to say,
    From Ron & Sue.

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers9 July 2024 at 07:02

      Looking forward to catching up with you soon!


    1. Aussie Slow Travellers9 July 2024 at 07:02

      Thanks! 😊😊😊

  3. What a fantastic trip. Well done! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Not sure what we’ll do without your blog to digest with our breakfast each morning!

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers10 July 2024 at 04:40

      Thanks for coming along for the ride. You'll have to focus on the weetbix - and then go out on an adventure of your own!

  4. Great effort you guys. I'd like to say that I can feel your pain, but that would be fibbing. It looks like your last day was one of the most scenic. Enjoy your deserved days of rest and give yourselves a pat on the back. And thanks for sharing your story with us. See you some time in Aus. Gerald

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers10 July 2024 at 21:13

      Thanks for sticking with us to the end! Would love to catch up with you in person back in Australia

  5. What a fantastic walk you have completed. We almost feel we have dine the trip ourselves, minus the walking of course πŸ˜…. Congratulations!!!! Those Muslei bars have certainly waited long enough to be eaten. Thanks again for doing such a great blog, totally enjoyed reading it and seeing all those wonderful photos.

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers12 July 2024 at 06:21

      So glad we were able to share it with you. The muesli bars were a bit squashed but otherwise delicious!

  6. What an experience and feet !!!!! of endurance, congratulations from Ron & Sue (2nd attempt)

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers12 July 2024 at 06:25

      Ha ha, love the pun, it was worth waiting for! It was a great experience. It was also a feat of endurance for those reading along!

  7. Murray and Sandra15 July 2024 at 00:35

    Congratulations on completing such an epic journey. We also had a fantastic time on our European trip but we’re back now and after catching up with life here we’ll go through the rest of your blogs and perhaps offering random opinions on the birds you saw! It’ll be good you catch up in person at some stage and reminisce about our experiences

    Murray and Sandra

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers16 July 2024 at 10:52

      Thanks, would love to catch up and compare experiences at some stage.

    2. Murray and Sandra16 July 2024 at 12:57

      Shag, Yellow-legged Gull, Eurasian Magpie, Shag

  8. Helen from bookclub6 August 2024 at 01:41

    Fantastic job well done to you both!!
    What an adventure πŸ‘

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers11 August 2024 at 03:32

      Thanks Helen, it certainly was!


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