DAY 55 - PUEBLA DE SANABRIA (Rest Day) - Sunday 16 June 2024

For our rest day, we enjoyed a sleep-in then a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.  

We crossed the bridge going into the old town and spotted one of our pilgrim friends just ahead, taking the turn to the next village. As we are taking two rest days here, we will have a new pilgrim 'bubble' when we resume our walk. 

We joined the throngs of tourists heading up towards the castle. We obtained a stamp at the castle entrance, then wandered around inside, enjoying the views from the central tower and the walls. As we were looking down we saw our Swiss friends crossing the bridge into town. Later we heard the church bells ringing out and saw a small procession. A banner and a statue led the procession, with three girls in beautiful white first communion dresses and the congregation following.  

We spent some time strolling the streets of the old town and checking out restaurants for later before returning to our hotel for siesta. 

After a rest, we met our Swiss friends for the last time, as they move on tomorrow. It is the nature of the Camino that the 'bubble' changes, but hopefully some of the friendships will last beyond the Camino.

Puebla de Sanabria 
Puebla de Sanabria in the early morning
Crossing the Tera River into the old town
Wandering in Puebla de Sanabria
Puebla de Sanabria castle
Views from the castle in Puebla de Sanabria
More wandering in the castle, Puebla de Sanabria
First communion festivities, Puebla de Sanabria
More wandering in Puebla de Sanabria
Yet more wandering in Puebla de Sanabria
This sign against gender-based violence is typical of many we have seen throughout our wanderings in Spain
Day 55 - Map

Day:                               55
Distance:                      0 km
Walking time:              0 hrs 0 mins
Elevation gain:            0 meters
Cumulative distance: 1,092.34 km


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