DAY 47 - VILLANUEVA DE CAMPEÁN to ZAMORA - Saturday 8 June 2024

After a leisurely breakfast, we picked up the Via again and headed out on a dirt track, passing a couple of the replica miliarios. It didn't take us long to spot storks and poppies, as well as wheat fields with strange 'oases' in them, usually containing a well, a lean-to and a couple of stunted trees.

We decided to do the alternate route to take in the bar at San Marcial. Unfortunately it was shut, but we had a rest on their benches outside anyway. We found the resident storks and admired the colourful houses. 

A long uphill on tar followed, but the road was quiet. The original route joined us at the top of the hill and we soon came to a decorative miliario with a bench beside it. We took advantage of this bench to rest our legs and refill our water bottles from the extra we'd been carrying. 

After this, it was just about all down hill. We passed a shepherd with his sheep and three dogs. We reached the Monolith of Promises, with inscriptions explaining that this is a peaceful crossroads of paths, cultures and beliefs. We felt it could be improved by the addition of a shady bench. Lots of cyclists passed us in both directions, four of them with panniers indicating they were probably following the Camino too.

The stone footbridge into Zamora is closed for renovations but we followed a detour alongside the river Duero. This rewarded us with fine views across the river to the old town. Some small boys were throwing stones at the water birds but we used our extensive Spanish to stop them - 'No, chicos, no!'

We crossed the alternate bridge and headed into the old town, finding much to stop and admire along the way. Checked in, we headed straight out for a menú del dia in the Plaza Mayor. 

After a rest back in our hotel, we found a laundromat and supermarket. And we were done for the day! 

Some modern miliarios to send us on our way this morning 
Scenic agricultural landscape on the way to San Marcial 
The bar at San Marcial. Closed. Half an hour after its advertised opening time. 
We carried on through San Marcial and out the other side 
A bit of road walking on the Via de la Plata 
A rare bench along the way. We took advantage of it to rest our weary legs.
Some highlights of the Via de la Plata towards Zamora. The bathtubs weren't for long-distance walkers, but for livestock. 
Continuing on to Zamora
Another lost sole on the Camino
Entering Zamora 
The River Duero at Zamora. 
Our way into Zamora
A Via de la Plata-themed mural in Zamora
Lunch, Zamora. There was some food as well. 
Day 47 - Map

Day:                               47
Distance:                      19.83 km
Walking time:              4 hrs 00 mins
Elevation gain:            161 meters
Cumulative distance: 926.86 km


  1. Murray and Sandra16 July 2024 at 09:10

    White Stork, Western Marsh Harrier, White Stork, Domestic and Greylag Geese, Mallard, geese again


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