DAY 37 - CAÑAVERAL to CARCABOSO - Wednesday 29 May 2024

We were up before the sun again and headed up the Via de la Plata for some views of the town. We passed through pine trees then descended again to the dehesa. 

By this time the sun was up and we admired the effect of light on leaves and on a herd of cows, who were just ahead of us. Some bellowing disturbed the peace and shortly after we came across a bull, pawing the ground. Luckily a detour was available via Grimaldo, which we thought might have an open bar. It didn't, but we rejoined the Via a short time later with all our limbs intact.

We then followed the Via through flowery fields. There were a great many gates to open and shut, as there was a lot of cattle. We had a rest after about 15 km, and gave directions to a Spanish pilgrim that passed.

After a while we descended to a small dam and crossing, the latter with no water to get our feet wet. We were a short while on the road before climbing up again for a great view to Galisteo, our lunch stop. 

Passing the cows carefully, we descended the hill. Some of our pilgrim friends caught us at the bottom and we made the ascent to the walled town of Galisteo together. We found a bar for a wonderful mixed salad while they checked into their albergue. 

After refuelling, we completed the final 10 km to Carcaboso on the road. It was a very long day, and we are looking forward to a shorter day tomorrow.

The walled town of Galisteo - a highlight of today's walk
The path out of Cañaveral this morning involved a bit of a climb
Varied scenery on the Via de la Plata - through pine forest, past a strip club, and into the dehesa
Sunrise saw the sun bursting through the dehesa
This innocuous-looking herd of cows was accompanied by a very angry bull. We decided to avoid any confrontation. 
A quick detour into Grimaldo and back to the Camino
Back on the Via de la Plata, the track was a single lane path for a few kilometres 
Morning tea stop
The cube-shaped path markers, or cubos, serve many functions
Encounters with animals on the path
The Via de la Plata towards Galisteo
Approaching Galisteo
A highlight of Galisteo
Some more highlights of Galisteo 
Leaving Galisteo
10 kilometres of road walking to finish the stage - a hard slog in the 35 degree heat
Highlights of Carcaboso 
Day 37 - Map

Day:                                37
Distance:                       39.37 km
Walking time:               8 hrs 34 mins
Elevation gain:             828 meters
Cumulative distance: 703.28 km


  1. Murray and Sandra30 May 2024 at 18:31

    Wow! Nearly 40km in a day and 35C heat. You must be exhausted. Enjoy some rest or a slower day tomorrow

    1. Aussie Slow Travellers30 May 2024 at 18:54

      We were quite tired! We did have a shorter day today and an even shorter one is planned for tomorrow.

    2. Murray and Sandra15 July 2024 at 10:36

      House Martin, hard to say perhaps Black Kites, possibly Hen Harrier, 3 x White Stork


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