DAY 8 - CÁDIZ (Rest Day) - Tuesday 30 April 2024

After a sleep in and leisurely breakfast we set out to reconnoitre our route for tomorrow. Google Maps said we could walk on the Puente de la Constitution de 1812 (a big bridge) to El Puerto de Santa Maria,  but we wanted to make sure.  

We took a scenic route to the bridge, noting the many beautiful gardens, statues and buildings. There were lots of people about, including a flamenco fit class, dog walkers and tourists. In the port there were two massive cruise ships, and opposite them a statue of Blas de Lezo brandishing a sword to warn them off - or at least that's what it looked like. Blas was a Monty Pythonesque never-say-die figure we learnt about in one of our favourite podcasts, Half-Arsed History. 

When we got to the bridge we found a lane for 'authorised' vehicles only. We assumed that included Australian long distance walkers but when we checked at the tourist bureau they gave us a firm 'no'. They did stamp our pilgrim passport however. We now intend to take a tram back to San Fernando tomorrow to resume our walk from there.  

After a bit more sightseeing, we took advantage of the 'menú del dia' before heading back to our hotel for a rest. 

Not all the locals are supportive of the influx of hordes of cruise tourists
Water feature in the Parque Genovés 
Jardines de Alameda Apodaca
Hop on hop off tourist bus. There are lots and lots of tourists in Cadiz. 
Loading a gold-looking candelabra from a church into the boot - probably totally innocent
Tiled water feature
As Cádiz is a peninsula, there are a lot of water vistas
Some of the many interesting statues in the city
A lolly stall in a park
Painter at work on an upper story
Among the hordes
The way we're not going tomorrow. According to the tourist bureau, this bridge is off limits to foot traffic. We have revised our plans accordingly. 
Cádiz city walls
Catedral de la Santa Cruz
Typical tourist photo, with the cathedral in the background. A couple of young Eastern European tourists asked us to take their photo, and then offered to take ours. 
Another menú del día lunch
Day 8 - Map

Day:                                8
Distance:                       0.0 km
Walking time:               0 hrs 0 mins
Elevation gain:             0 metres
Cumulative distance:  125.23 km


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