DAY 43 - SALAMANCA (Rest Day) - Tuesday 4 June 2024

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

We woke up early for sunrise views over the city from our bedroom, but took our time actually getting up. It is a rest day - time to rest! 

Eventually we headed across the Roman bridge into town. In the old town, we saw a number of pilgrims straggling in, including Paolo our Italian friend and then Dirk from Germany. It was great to see them, especially as we're not sure if our paths will cross again. 

We admired the two cathedrals and the Casa de las Conchas as we headed towards the Plaza Mayor. There were tourists everywhere, a little like in Seville. We heard a lot of English being spoken. 

We treated ourselves to a coffee and croissant in one of the pleasant cafes. The croissant was similar to a French one, just a little sweeter and heavier.  

We continued on to the Plaza Mayor, collecting stamps for our pilgrim credencials and a map in the tourist bureau. We wandered around the arcades of the Plaza, peering into many of the shop windows. 

After this, we visited the Casa Lis  Museo Art Nouveau y Art Deco. This is a small palace built in the Art Nouveau style, displaying many treasures. We especially admired the small figures of dancers, bathing beauties and the cabaret. The characters were also fun, faces with exaggerated features, used as ashtrays, toothpick holders and money boxes. Everything was lit to effect with shadows highlighting the arrangement. Soft music was piped into each room. Halfway through we had a soft drink in the cafeteria, feeling rather grand.

Outside again, we headed to the university, one of the oldest in Spain. One facade is highly decorated, and legend has it, if a student can spot the frog they will pass their exams. We needed a hint - look on top of a downward facing skull - but we found it eventually. 

Exam success ensured, we found our way inside the Casa de las Conchas, which is now a library. There were beautiful arches, a scallop shell light fitting and a light-filled courtyard.  

Lunch was a steak, eggs, salad and chips, washed down with red wine. We had been craving something other than pork for quite a while. We'd seen the cows - where did all the beef go? 

After that it was back to our hotel for a siesta, noting young people enjoying the river beach by swimming, sunbathing and fishing. 

In the evening we went back to the old town and found the astronaut, the icecream eating dragon and a few other oddities on the new cathedral, added in 1992 when it was restored. We wandered through the streets and ended back at the Plaza Mayor in time for the light up at 10.15 pm. We sat in a café and soaked up the atmosphere. 

Some views of Salamanca
Across a Roman bridge to the old town
Wandering through Salamanca
Rest stop
Plaza Mayor
Some interesting shop windows
More wandering in Salamanca
Casa de las Conchas 
Another rest stop - the café at Casa Lis
Some of the exhibits at Casa Lis
An evening stroll back across the Roman bridge
We looked for the famous astronaut at the cathedral . . . 
. . . and also found the ice cream-eating dragon and some other interesting sculptures
Bookshop windows
A bit more wandering around Salamanca
Plaza Mayor by night. We settled down with a glass of wine to do some people-watching
Day 43 - Map

Day:                                43
Distance:                       0 km
Walking time:               0 hrs 0 mins
Elevation gain:             0 meters
Cumulative distance: 852.60 km


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